PENETRON ADMIX RP is our tried and true Penetron Admix formulation with the addition of red pigment to meet the specification requirements of certain precast underground markets. Packaged in convenient, pre-measured soluble bags for quality control and easy application, PENETRON ADMIX RP is ready to use when adding product to the new concrete batch. As a quality guarantee, PENETRON ADMIX RP features a red pigment to permanently color the concrete to ensure visibility at a distance during inspection and to signal that genuine PENETRON ADMIX RP is in the mix.
Once inside the concrete, PENETRON ADMIX RP reduces permeability by permanently self-sealing microcracks, pores and capillaries. This protects the concrete against water penetration and effects of corrosion deterioration, even under high hydrostatic pressure. It provides projects with a self-healing capability to reseal cracks that develop during the lifetime of the concrete.
PENETRON ADMIX RP is compatible with all commonly used workability admixtures (e.g. superplasticizers, retarders) and mix design formulations (trial mixes recommended prior to casting).